Monday, February 21, 2011


Friendship isn't something easily defined but the beautiful thing about friendship is that it doesn't need to be. Every interaction between people creates a bond but friendship is more then that, it is more then a dictionary definition. Friendship is extremely difficult at times but on the other hand it can be a breeze, it all depends on the people. That's why you can't define friendship, because you can't define the people.
This school year has helped me realize this. Living with 5 other people who come from different backgrounds, who see the world through different eyes, has taught me that these differences in who we are create what we know as friendships. Some friendships are destined for years, some for months and some just for the day, but in any case the people still change because of it. Some people learn to be more trusting, more open-minded. Others learn to be more closed off, more close-minded. The thing that I hope comes of my friendships is that they last as long as they should and that I learn from them to be a more balanced individual.
Biologically all humans strive for homeostasis, a balance in your body, so why not strive for homeostasis, a balance in your mind.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

These Challenges...

I've realized that I do not like these challenges;therefore, I am going to be totally random. There will be no coherent thought processes for anyone to follow, no logical order, no patterns to scope out, no graphs to be made here, sorry. Move along if that is what you are looking for. I shall post what I want when I want and how I want and if that means no spell check then so be it. Thank you for understanding and if you don't, well I'm not really that sorry.

Day 6

So this picture is supposed to be of a person I would like to trade places with for the day, but quite frankly I have no interest in trading places, I rather like being me. so instead I will show pretty pictures of nature that I took...yeah

Nature :)
Me in nature, dun dun dunnnnn

Even more nature
So I hope you feel enlightened about what person I would like to trade places with, because I know that particular piece of information is very important to you :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 5

So this picture challenge is my favortie memory. This is a picture of me and my sister at my parents wedding. It was the most amazing thing and I cried like a baby.
No that is not champagne or wine, just apple cider, such sadness...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 4...dun dun dunnnn

Today's challenge entails jumping over shark infested waters, then piloting a 747 through a hailstorm, then jumping out of the airplane over Mount Everest and gliding over to the Taj Mahal, otherwise known as what I do on a nightly basis...yeah I usually I procrasinate and stay up way to late :)
In my efforts to procrasinate, I...
Watch too much television

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 3

Today's picture challenge is a picture of the cast from my favortie television show. For me this is incredibly hard.
The Contenders are:
  • Doctor Who
  • Glee
  • Top Gear
  • How I Met Your Mother
  • The Big Bang Theory
  • Primeval
  • Torchwood
  • Gossip Girl
  • Coupling
  • Fawlty Towers
  • Lost
So you can see I watch entirely too much television. But when it comes down to it, Doctor Who far.
The New Season
From Left to Right: Rory(Arthur Davill), Amy(Karen Gillian), and the Doctor(Matt Smith)

All the Doctors :D
 This show is awesome and everytime I watch it, I smile :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 2

The challenge for today is a picture of  you and the person you have been close to for the longest. Now while many people put there parents, I have not till recently been very close with them, next would be my brother, but once again we are not particulary close, so...the person is my best friend, and now my sister.
We have had our ups and downs but in the end, she has been there for me.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

So I haven't posted in awhile, because quite frankly I didn't know what to write about. I don't want this blog to be a diary, but I also don't want it to only be a social commentary. The reason I named it "The Darcy Syndrome" is because I love Pride and Prejudice and I felt that it would be a good way to intertwine life and fiction; however, I do not feel as if I have been very sucessfull in merging the two. So I am starting anew with something a bit simpler and that will give me direction and then from there I shall branch out. So thus shall begin my 60 day picture challenge!
Day 1: Post a picture of yourself with 15 facts

1. I am naturally blond
2. I am a Whovian
3. I am a super Harry Potter fan
4. I am a Musical fanatic with my favorites being Phantom of the Opera and Billy Elliot
5. I love English telvision, it's bascially all I watch
6. People who wear black and brown at the same time scare me
7. I can't eat my food if it touches or is mixed
8. I am terrified of driving cars but love looking at them
9. If a bug is near by I have been known to travel faster then the speed of light away from it, but other then that I run at the pace of a snail
10. I have a shoe obession and not enough money to fuel it
11. I have been known to be slightly sarcastic...
12. I love ice...eating it, watching people skate on it, watching people pass around a puck on it, yeah and I really love the ice with cream
13. Peppermint is my favorite scent of all time with Cinnamon coming in a very close second
14. I love traveling
15. My choice of transportation is a type 40 TARDIS :)